Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Thanx for reminding me why i refused to work with u.
Thanx for reminding me AGAIN why we did not get along.
Thanx for reminding me again what a sneaky little two-faced, cocksucking hypocrite u are.
u really really disgusts me.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a jumble of thoughts

I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms to the incorigible burden. It didn't matter, as i can see light at the end of the tunnel, that's what kept me going. It didn't matter even when unreasonable sacrifices has to be done. In the midst of tears, blood , sweat and pain, i've found a family outside from the ones i was biologically related to. In the midst of all the insane yet mundane routine, i've found what i want. I refused to clarify, i refused to be clear on things i know there's no definite answer. In fact, i don't need an answer, i need an escape. Happiness needs no justification, no definition... it is a mysterious secret place where it only belongs to me and no one else, and clarifying it takes the magic away from happiness. Call me delusional, i'd say i'm already beyond that.

But i'm happy. It doesn't matter what the future brings....
What matters is right here, right now.

Friday, February 6, 2009

a ray of light

Dear Friend,

thank u for making life seem better again,
thank u for making me don't feel so shitty after all,
thank u for not taking things too seriously,
and thank u, for i'm smiling again.
I'm happy, so thank u.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm abso-fucking-lutely screwed.
It's so stressful it's not even funny anymore.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Die la

U know u r in trouble when u get panic attacks when the library is closed. On a public holiday.
U know u r kinda screwed when u sit there for a whopping 6 hours n u haven't got 2 pages done.
U know it's time to think of which fast food joint to apply for jobs when u wake up in the middle of the night cuz u GOT SCARED BY THE AMOUNT OF WORK NOT DONE. YET.

I'm am so fucked. What was i thinking?

*practicing**Clears Throat*

"would u like fries with that, sir?"

*burst out crying out of frustration*

i don't seek them, they find me.