Let me give u an outline of the day's schedule...
7.30 - 8.30 Conditioning Class
9.30 - 11.00 Classical Indian
11.00 - 1.00 Modern Technique 3
1.00 - 2.00 lunch break
2.00 - 3.30 Modern Technique 4
3.30 - 5.00 Dance Composition n Improvisation
5.30 - 7.00 Jazz 1
7.00 - 10.30 Training with KT
Yeah man, u read that right. It's 7.30 AM not PM, the day starts THAT early. Started off running 6 laps around football field goal posts. 13 and a half hours of practical classes continuously (not including 1 and half hour lunch break in between) I was constantly moving and on the go, nonstop.
By the time even before half the class ended at KT, i felt i was gonna just drop dead there n fall into deep slumber.
Reached home at about 11.30pm, and it was immediately bedtime.
Because guess what?
The next day starts at 7.30AM too...
Yeah man, I'm gonna be super fit and super thin by the end of this semester. If and only if i can AFFORD time to eat. (i'm not bulimic or wahatsoever, by really, time is just hell)
that's why i totally DESPISE and DISLIKE WITH MUCH DISTASTE when some people who can go bersuka-ria and lepak but when asked to do simple things can complain that they are tired. Try being me on tuesdays :) (No offence, but there ARE people like that.)
I'm not complaining about my life now, in fact i'm totally loving it. I'm only stating the fact that being a dance student/anything related to art is all hard work. And the fact that people work so hard isn't because of the money as performing artists could not survive only on stage performance in Malaysia. It's the passion that drives us to break, crush, push, and reinvent ourselves over n over again.
So dearies, support the local art scene! :)
Thought of the day:
Today i heard something at the radio. It was Rudy from Hitz.fm, he said
" Support the local entertainment scene, if not, there won't be one" I think it also applies to the art industry :)
K la, sleepy adi... need to go catch some shut eye..zzz
Today i heard something at the radio. It was Rudy from Hitz.fm, he said
" Support the local entertainment scene, if not, there won't be one" I think it also applies to the art industry :)
K la, sleepy adi... need to go catch some shut eye..zzz
til then.
: ) I support you 110% la and i also admire you for doing what you're doing!! And trust me..I know how it feels to be working your ass off all day and then at the end of the day you suddenly go "Eh..I didnt eat today" but by then you're too damn tired to eat anything so you just go to sleep..Keep going!! It'll be worth it.. : )
ay babe.
remember me? ;) we met at Edge conference..'05 i think- with Chee Wei.
Daphne here ;)
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