Wednesday, March 25, 2009

kawan kawan

Stumbled upon something someone wrote today. Sigh... it wasn't very pleasant, not about me, but this person was being very rude to someone that is close to me. But i kinda guessed that person will never change his/her/its (to protect this rude person's identity, see i'm such a nice person, how can u not love me?) ways.

Why is it that everything that comes out of your mouth is always deragatory to other people?
Why are u always so mean to other people?
Why are u being such a hypocrite all the time?
Why do u like to put people down to make yourself look good?
Honestly, to me and to everybody that u've shown your true colours, u are only 2 inches tall u know?

Sigh, this stupid ass once told me:" Sigh, Cheng Choo, i don't have much friends. I don't know why they always hate me and avoid me after being friends for awhile... Thank u for being my friend."

oh. fuck.the.bullcrap.

By now, even your so-called BFFE (best friends forever and ever, and it's not me) has turn their backs on u cuz they realised what a fucking hypocrite u are. You only do things for nobody but yourself, and u shud stop begging for sympathy. U know better the reason why u have no friends.

Like i said, and i've told u before, looks and body will deteriorate when we age day by day, beauty only prevails through the heart and mind and the compassion u show to others.
When your not-very-impressive-looks and not-very-impressive-body age by the years, i'm sure u r only left with nobody but yourself. You can be arrogant about it, but at least the rest of us are happy because we have friends, TRUE FRIENDS.

thesis submission is 2 weeks away.
gotta be busier than ever. But no worries, i will prevail!
*does the Alexander pose*

i pray that all my other friends will survive this period of shitstress together.
We will all graduate together, and i love all of u very much. Thank u for being a family to me.

on a happier note,
I'm gonna have a long long holiday after April!!!
so for now i need to go stuff my face into books and i won't be back until then.

spongebob wants to lie on top of the paddy fields~

Monday, March 16, 2009

thesis makes me feel stupid

Found something interesting here.

Well, pretty much sums up how i feel throughout thesis writing.
It's all gonna be okay... *hypnotises*

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the angels sing

"There can be miracle, when u beileve,
Though hope is frail... it's hard to kill..
U will when u, believe"

Times are difficult, some of us are on the verge of breaking down.
Amidst the stress of meeting deadlines, expectations and obstacles in-between,
there are people who make u feel life isn't so bad after all.
It's difficult now, but it won't stop n we know it can only get better.
Keep up with your hard work... n keep believing that u can.
May u have a wonderful year this 2009. i wish u success, health, love and nothing less than that.
Take care and Happy birthday.

Monday, March 2, 2009

country road, take me home

It's been an emotionally taxing weekend.
I realised about the importance of doing things that kept me really busy but sane, things i haven't been able to do for a long time.
I missed cheerleading.
I missed doing stunts, tensing n smiling like a cheerleader.
I missed everybody in the team. Even those that i'm not particularly close, i still miss them all.
I missed hanging out late at McDs talking about stupid things n laugh like idiots.
I missed Kwang Tung Dance training. I miss everybody in KT, especially Sam's laughter.
I missed being scolded for petty things like not pointing my toes.
I missed doing difficult techniques n sweating my heart out.
I missed Mr.Chong's gymnastics classes.
I missed having pork porridge with Mama Bev.
I missed having girlie nite outs with my girlfriends.
I missed going home having dinner with my family, i miss hugging Spongebob to sleep.
I miss everything i once had before this, and it is still waiting for me but i can't go back until my work is over.
I miss my life, i want it back.
It doesn't even matter if it hurts, or if i've exhausted every ounce of my strengths. It doesn't matter cuz it's my life.
It will all be over soon, i hope.

i don't seek them, they find me.