Saturday, August 22, 2009

Junk food

It's okay, it's only the first day... That tomorrow would be a better day.
It's necessary to remind yourself that it's for the better when u decide to walk away from something very important.
Whenever things in life go bad, you used to be able to run into your secret place and do things that make u feel all better again. Somehow, you can't run to your secret place anymore, cause you just came to a realisation that THAT'S what hurting u most.
It sucks to know that u've been eating too much junk food. It sucks to know that the one thing that keeps you happy and functioning is the one that is not good for you. And the sole comfort that u always turn to when other things go bad somehow has to stop, cause you are gaining weight at the wrong area, adding inches down south and not being able to fit into your jeans anymore.

Time to leave behind something that is very important for a bigger purpose.
Time to eat better, time to eat more proper meals.

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i don't seek them, they find me.