Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Waiting to be inspired

Looked up at the sky today.
It was raining for awhile. However, the skies were bright and clear, with clouds in it.
Irony as it seems, raindrops were hitting the windscreen like droplets of tears rolling down my cheeks not long ago.

Sometimes i wonder how life changes so abruptly. It is very true that we must take responsibility for the decisions we make. What we decide might just change lives forever.

Human beings are very fragile, we are all very dependent creatures. When we are forced to deviate from our normal routine, or rather, comfort zone, that is when we are forced to face our deepest fears and be humbled by how little we know. Changes help us discover ourselves and a crucial part of growing up.

Deviation from the usual is what i'm trying to get used to now.
It's tough, but i'm tougher ;P

CW: What are u doing?
me: Just writing :)
CW: *o.O* WAH.... tiba-tiba i feel u've become very academic...
me: No, i'm just pandai :D
CW: .... *gives super sepet-eyed look* (-___________-)"

I write at anywhere and anytime whenever any thoughts hit me. Good thoughts are ought to be noted down and remembered. Trust me, that's how forgetful i am ;D

til then.

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i don't seek them, they find me.