And here's my list...
- Nose-digging
- Cleaning/ picking food scraps from their teeth, WITH BARE FINGERS!
- Smoking, with the windows almost closed (omfg, i wonder how their lungs withstand the 1st AND 2nd hand smoke?)
- Over Public Display of Affection (hugging n holding hands are fine, the rest is up to your imagination :D) *cough*giving a head*cough*
- Scratching the crotch. (not itchy, just a habit)
- Scratching the butt. (whatever public scratching that occurs below waistline is digusting)
- Spitting out of the car.
- Masturbating o.O
- Blasting the radio with techno music, windows opened, right hand hanging out with ciggie, head bobbing lala-style...
- Cam-whoring (i'm guilty of this one, ahahaha)
til then.
i wonder how u can tell if a person's masturbating since the lower half of the body cannot be seen in a car from the outside, no?
anyway, i'm guilty of two of that list. oops. =P one of it same with yours HAHA wtf
oh well, i'm not speaking in terms of drivers only, but on behalf of the road pedestrians as well. trust me, i've seen one during those days when i had to walk to school....
we r girls, camwhoring comes naturally ;)
choo choo choo...
tot u're nto gonna updat eur blog d..but im wrong...haha...ok im actually trying to chill coz im gonna go crazy soon with my kinda liek drop by a r u?...hey u noe i saw before a woman checkign out her armpit well to b more specific ---> plucking her bulu ketiak while we're stuckign int he jam...ew..imagine the weather is so darn hot too...okla trying to catch some breath so now im gonna back to study...sigh im just so kiasu ...miss u choo
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