Sunday, December 16, 2007


I lay there for what it seemed like the longest hour, tired, restless yet sleepless.

I don't know if what i'm doing is the right thing, i can't help it yet creeping sense of regret keep washing over me of what i've done.

My heart wants it so badly, yet my head tells me no. Irony? hell yeah...

Is this going to be real? Or will it all go away like a dream when its time to wake up?
Is it worthwhile? Or am i just wasting my time?
Would it be different if i didn't say a thing?

I think i deserve better... and sometimes i feel it's just too easy for you if i just give in.
Don't give me reasons to doubt the things that i've told you.

sigh... the time of the month just seems to amplify all those problems that we usually brush away....

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i don't seek them, they find me.