Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pledge to save the soon-to-be-pig

Top 10 signs you have just gained excessive weight:
  1. Ransacked your closet for hours cause everything u wear makes u look pudgy.
  2. Then u finally settled for something dark in colour/ something black/ something baggy or just rather not go out.
  3. You dread the bathroom scale. You just have that feeling n ur instincts are always accurate.
  4. When you look in the mirror one day and find that u look a few inches shorter.
  5. When your friends tell u that u look a few inches shorter. Trust me, friends always say the nicest things
  6. When u find climbing up staircase is tiring when u r only in your 20s.
  7. When u r a girl and u suddenly lost interest going shopping cause it's frustrating that everything u try on makes u feel like a million pounds. (as in weight not currency, darling.)
  8. When u had doughnuts 3 times a week and ice-cream almost every single day.
  9. This is a bit mean, it is when u find people who were previously bigger/taller than u, seem to shrink when u stand beside them.
  10. Is when u read this list and find more than half of it IS happening to u.

Yes, it is happening to me... Dear good people out there who still loves me, please please please kindly donate to "SlimHerDown- TheChengChoo liposuction trust fund" to help me regain my self-confidence. Thank you.

And if u never see me again, it's not that i've disappeared, but i've only transformed to a pile of lard that's waiting to be churned to butter. I still love u guys.

Damnit... *thinks out loud* 'need to hit the treadmill,yes yes...'

*this post is inspired by the weird encounter of the talented blackjetta :)

til then

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i don't seek them, they find me.