Sunday, March 16, 2008

Someone once told me this...

" Try to mend the fracture as much as u can, but if it's too broken beyond repait that it cuts u more n more everytime u try.... Maybe it's best if it is left broken. "

It's true. And sometimes leaving it alone may just turn the situation around.

Don't go looking for love, cause it might just be right in front of you when u were busy looking elsewhere.

Today, i'm aunt agony.


Anonymous said...

i agree.

and my dear, don't worry, i wasn't referring to u in that post, it was 101% definitely someone else. :) girls won't be as insensitive as that one.

love u manyak-manyak too!

truecomplication said...

Got that from Grey's didn't you!? OMG... I have a Grey's buddy!

aahhCHOO said...

ee von: Yeah i know.. :D

truecomplication: Someone literally told me that. I guess that person is a Grey's fan. hahaha.. but anyway, i'm a grey's fan too, bila mau marathon? :DD

i don't seek them, they find me.