Thursday, November 29, 2007

The day doesn't end on a happy note

It is very true that everybody has their own flaws. I do admit i have a very big flaw of my own too.
Some very close ppl to me told me today that i need to chill and relax a lil'. I'm sorry that i do have very nasty temper and i sincerely apologise for all the times i've been rude unknowingly. Really, i'm very sorry, and i'm trying to change.

But since i'm not very good in words and usually what i have to say don't really come out right, so i think writing is a better way for me to let it out more accurately. I do have something to say on my side here as well. As much as u guys are not able to tolerate my flaws, i have to voice out my issues here too.

I do not like it when we take time for granted by making people wait.
I do not feel comfortable when we make other people wait on our expense.
I know that I do turn up late sometime as well, and i'm trying to change too.
I do not like it when we do something (which comes out of bad habit), but speak of other people when other people does the same.
I do not like to give people excuses, and i hope people do not treat me the same.
Change needs to start from within ourselves, and only with that we can improve.

I'm not perfect, but i'm trying to be a better person. Thanx for letting me know, but i do hope we all reflect it upon ourselves and take some time to think about it too.
We were all friends, and i intended to be friends for a long long time. I hope being honest doesn't kill the closeness that we have now, but strengthen it more. I hope u tell it to me, anything that u have in mind, because i'm sure that we can somehow handle problems with more sense and maturity, now that we've all grown up.

til then.

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i don't seek them, they find me.