Saturday, December 1, 2007

AhDiao's 21st and Schan's 18th

Last tuesday, it was Adelle a.k.a Ah Diao's (inside joke HaHaHa... ) bday. She decided to treat us lunch at TGIF.

The whole celebration was in short- FABULOUSLY AWESOME :D

We all had lots of great food, great time, and great laughs. I wanna make a BIG shoutout here to wish the BG(bday girl) @ Ahdiao....

Happy 21st birthday

May your life be blessed with joy and happiness,

and somehow comes in the form of [ type name of any hollywood hunk of your dreams ] to spend a lifetime with you :D

hurrah! u're finally legal, babe. I'll join u at the casino next year.. shaks~ -____-"

Another birthday shoutout to

Sandra Chan @ SChanDaMan
Happy 18th Birthday

We surprised her by pretending we all forgot (a bit cliche` but shutup, it's not YOUR birthday, n we do it the way schan likes it :)) Then we (Mel and Jeremy) lured her to the park by giving a stupid excuse he lost his phone at the park and we need to look for it. she didn't suspected anything until when this silly SW wore his tough stuff t-shirt (Charm's t-shirt with Bold white printing which can be seen vaguely in the dark AND which we wear to every general practice), then schan asked:" Hey, is that tough stuff shirt? Someone's wearing our shirt!One of our cheerleader's there in the park is it?"


Oh well, it was a surprise after all. It was a gathering of schan closest friends which ALMOST (almost i tell u) drove her to tears. Oh well, all's a happy ending. I didn't take any picture cuz i DON't have a camera.. *hint hint* :D

Anyways, i hope both bday girls enjoyed their birthday. oh ya, congrats for stepping officially into adulthood, girls :)

til then.

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